The definition of a design system defined by the legendary Nielsen Norman is a complete set of standards intended to manage design at scale using reusable components and patterns. What this means is that we create an entire system of typography, scale, colours, buttons and many more. Design systems will streamline design work and allow different designers to use the same visual language on a single project.
Check out Googles' Material Design System
Material design was created by Google to help teams build high-quality digital experiences for Android, iOS, Flutter, and the web. The online tool allows you to see the visual language of all aspects of design elements from foundations, typography, colours, navigation, icons, components and many more. Material design has become the go to for any digital design experiences.
Watch how to create your own design system in Figma.
Figma's Create a design system is a 5 part tutorial available on youtube. The first tutorial is about the foundations, the second and third about components, the fourth is on the topic of testing and finally the fifth tutorial is documentation. These tutorials will give you solid foundation and you can even follow along and do it yourself in Figma.
Use Material 3 design Figma Kit to save you time and start creating.
Material 3 Design Figma Kit allows you to customize and create digital products easily with components and theming guidelines. This is the latest version and is the most personal system to date. The available styles and components are a great place to start and come with both light and dark themed modes. Simply duplicate the file, open in Figma and start designing.